The Making Of

Aug Prep is not just a school. It’s a place where students are given support, holistic education, and opportunities to grow into tomorrow’s leaders. The goal of this documentary was to follow Aug Prep’s first graduating class over the course of their four high school years. In the end, we told the real story of a young man navigating life-altering challenges, and what he was able to accomplish when given opportunities for perseverance.


Carlos’s story is yet to come.
Cory Savage

The Roadblocks

This documentary showcases real kids who have real challenges. As a consequence, roadblocks were frequent throughout the four years of filming. Some students moved schools, a worldwide pandemic distanced us all, and the unknowns for the future accumulated as every day passed. In documenting the organic journey of these students’ lives, we came face to face with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Reality is imperfect, and we didn’t sugarcoat Carlos’s story. It’s the inspiring journey of how he continued his path at Aug Prep, despite it all.

The Outcome

Through all the roadblocks, we are proud to showcase Carlos’s story so far. His four years at Aug Prep represent the trials and tribulations that much of the student body face during their high school years. Aug Prep can’t solve every problem, but it can provide support and resources, paving the way to a bright future.

Carlos’s dream was to walk across the stage at graduation. What’s his next pursuit?

His story is yet to come.